Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It Worked!!

I think the first Blog worked. This is quite fun!!!
My first day of exercise was a real shock to my system. I was used to walking 20 to 30 minutes per day, but not 20 minutes on an programmed exercise bike. After 10 minutes of biking on the outlined program my mouth was parched and my legs were tired and I was ready to say 'uncle.' I said to my trainer, 'can I stop for a few minutes and get a drink.' She gave me a cute little smile and said very sweetly, "no". I looked at her and then I laughed and said: "okay." I knew then that this was a real thing!! I finished my time and then went on the treadmill and then did weights. The time went by quickly and I kept saying to myself. "You can do this! I can't believe you are doing this! This is great for you to do! I can't believe you are doing this!"
We had our official weigh-in and blood tests, etc. on February 13th, I have walked or exercised everyday since. My goal is: Monday, Wednesday, Friday at the gym and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday to walk for an hour. I usually walk in my home for an hour and keep wondering if I am going to wear out my carpet. I look outside and see deer tracks where the deer have formed their path in my yard and the neighbors yard, and feel like I am making my own "dear" tracks.


  1. I hear you...the first time I exercised with a trainer, I went home and slept for 2 hrs straight. It does get easier and it becomes more enjoyable, as you see your body change in looks and strength. You are right, "You can do this!"

  2. Lynda, As a former challenge participant, I didn't think I would have much success because I was "older" and I knew it would be harder to compete with all of the "youngsters" that had been selected. But guess what? My success was phenomenal to me. My over all improvement has left me feeling years younger and capable of doing so many things I had given up on because my weight was so out of control, as were other aspects of my health. So, hang in there and let the trainer "work" you till you think you can't do another move. Better days are ahead of you. It does wonders for every part of you. . .physical, mental, spiritual, but most of all it makes you appreciate what your body is capable of undoing and improving.
