Monday, March 9, 2009

DIETING - Past and Future

When you are exercising you have a lot of time to think and reflect. One of my reflections has been,' why haven't I been successful at dieting in the past.' I still don't have all of the answers, but I feel that I am realizing that I had partial components before. What were the missing components? I have dieted with no exercise. I have dieted with minimal exercises, but I have not dieted like I am now. This program is filling in the missing components. These components are:
  • Understanding the medical reasons for eating healthy. When I saw my numbers and the risk factors, the numbers got my attention. I had watched The Biggest Loser on T.V. and saw what the heart and organs looked like on individual participants. With my high numbers I could only imagine what my heart and other organs look like. (Yes, the Fear Factor) Dr. Carter's presentation of our Risk Factor Numbers was excellent and I learned that diet and exercise can bring my numbers down.
  • Exercising and having a program that works for you. I have a treadmill at home and in the past I have maxed out with 5 to 6 minutes on it. I now know how to program my treadmill. I have never used weights or weight equipment and now I feel comfortable with the exercises I do and how my body feels. I had surgery on my shoulder a few years ago and I have found that my left shoulder gets tired. Every other day as I am using the weights I have noticed that I have more strength in that arm.
  • Dieting and looking at food in a different way. The Nutrition class has been great. The handouts and books have been very helpful. Meal planning is still a challenge for me.
  • Weekly accountability keeps me working on all my goals. By turning in my weight, time spent exercising and my food diary weekly has help me to be more accountable.
  • All of the above has been great!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Having individualized exercise programs and being accountable has helped me too. The best part about the nutrition class is that we aren't being given a set of menus to follow - we're being told how to adapt what we already like to eat by substituting, watching portions, and adding/subtracting to keep within our limits.
