Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Plate Method-The To Go Box Method

This challenge has made me look at meals in a whole different light. Jalaine taught us the "The Plate Method" for eating. This method is very simple. If your plate was a pizza: half of the pizza would be fruits and vegetables and the other half would be a fourth for starches (rice, pasta, bread, or potatoes) and the last fourth would be for protein (meat). When I prepare my food at home I use this method. I always put the vegetables on first. Someone in our nutrition class told us about getting a "To Go Box" at the beginning of the meal and taking home the extra calories to be enjoyed that next day. Putting the extra calories in a box helps me in my clean up the plate mentality. I am learning to modify recipes or maybe I should say I am trying to modify favorite recipes. (Some have turned out great and others will be left the way they are and I will eat more vegetables to stay full from the favorite splurges.) Again, this challenge is teaching us choices!!

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