Thursday, April 9, 2009

Food for Thought

I just read Karen's blog about the gym. We had a good time. Whitney our trainer is the best. She is so fun. She is there is encourage you and push you. I would agree with Karen that Whitney is the best. We are going to miss her after this challenge.
Yesterday was our nutrition class and we had Mike, the Chef and Manager at Utah Valley, talk to us. He shared his story of weight loss and how he has maintained his weight loss. He gave us lots of ideas to help us. He talked about the "conscious eater." I hate to think about all the times I have eaten food unconsciously. He said Americans eat in their cars. (I said to myself, "Yes" we do.) He also said we need to enjoy our food and eat it slowly. (I would agree.) He said that he cuts is food especially fruits into very small pieces and then savors each piece. (What a great idea!) He said that anyone can exercise. He gave us an example of a relative that was limited in her mobility and he said to her ' can you sit and move your arms' and she said 'yes'. He then went on to mention other parts that she could move while sitting. She lost weight. The point was no matter what your ability or inability is you can move something on your body to help you burn calories and hopefully to lose weight. He gave us lots of "food for thought", hopefully some of it will be digested to help us in our healthy choices.

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